
Mitchell Geisler an investment scammer of the worst sort because this snob discovered the hack to scam others out of their money- using a cover.

  • In a professional setting, the one thing you always hope for is a professional business partner. But, the world is huge, and there are some ‘special’ kinds of professionals in it too. If you’re unlucky enough, you can come across such professionals- professional scammers to be exact- like Mitchell Geisler. You may know him as a hotshot ‘self made’ CEO in the healthcare industry but his reality is quite the opposite. He is an investment scammer of the worst sort because this snob discovered the hack to scam others out of their money- using a cover. The cover being a TSXV registered company by the name of Leveljump Healthcare Corps. 

    This scum realized that he could scam a lot more people just by being the known representative of an established company like Leveljump Healthcare Corps. It is no secret that every investor on the market has been warned to beware of investment scammers like Mitchell Geisler multiple times, so it would’ve been hard for him to do his job. However, this scoundrel realized that none of those warnings included being careful when dealing with CEO’s, that too CEOs of known companies that you can verify just by one search on the internet. His reputation in the society helps him lure and fool investors into believing that he is The Guru to go to for investments and advice. 

    Impressed after one too many articles about his achievements and journey through struggles to become the CEO of Leveljump Healthcare Corps, we were shocked when he approached us. As small scale investors, we were overwhelmed to be interacting with a hotshot like Mitchell Geisler, and when he asked us to invest in his ventures, we thought we were all set with life from that moment onwards. The possibility that this could be a scam never occurred to us in the first place given his reputation. A few more empty promises of massive returns and what not, and we were sold. 

    The first prominent red flag was when he asked us to transfer the ‘investment’ in his personal account: that was the first box he ticked in the universal checklist to identify an investment scammer. But Mitchell Geisler being the scam he is, shooed our worries away and coaxed us into investing anyway, and that was the last nail in our coffin. Just to confirm that our funds had landed with the company safely, we contacted Leveljump Healthcare Corps, only to be told that no such investment had entered the company’s financial streams. 

    We tried to check back with Geisler only to be humiliated by security and shown the door to. It took us long to recover from the shock, because we had invested all we could spare, and Mitchell Geisler had taken off with all of it. The loss was crushing and there was no way we could recover any of it. At this point, all we could do was warn others to beware of Leveljump Healthcare Corps and its CEO, to try and save any more potential victims from being scammed.

    If you’ve been approached by Mitchell Geisler, do NOT trust his lies and save yourself while you still can. Run in the other direction and warn others of his lies!

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